Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sometimes answered prayers don't feel like they were answered

I know how important it is to pray with faith. I know how important it is to pray with child like faith. I sometimes pray with much less than either. I said a prayer with anger and a demanding spirit and I will be danged if my prayer was not answered. I have/had a cousin that has had multiple medical issues over the last few years. She is/was in her 50's. She was a brittle diabetic and bipolar. She had many serious issues with her illnesses over the last few year. She used a really appropriate analogy when she found out that she had the most horrible (in my opinion) disease called ALS or Lou Gehrig disease. She said that she felt like she was standing on the side of street and she got splashed by another really big truck. Yesterday she had a stroke. I went to see her at the hospital and she looked like someone I did not know. I left the hospital---cussing fate of maybe God I am not sure. I questioned how one person could be having to suffer and said a prayer to ask God to please let her not suffer any more. A little after 6:00 my precious Aunt Faye called and said that Carol had died. I did not say goodbye or get time to prepare. But---what a blessing for her---no horrible suffering. We will miss you. Please tell Mom and Granny tha I said hi and eat all the chocolate you can hold. Love ya Carol.


Eliza said...

You're right, "what a blessing." She was blessed to be able to leave her earthly shell of a body and really start to live again. Now she gets to have the pain free, kinder life that she deserves. I know it's been said that dying is hardest for thoes who have been left behind but I also know you will see each other again. I'm sorry for you and your family's loss.

barbara said...

my sweet sweet Lisa.. I am soo sorry to hear about Carol!! I'm late in responding - but I'm always late.... please know that you are always in my heart.. I love and miss you dearly!!