Friday, November 28, 2008
The beached whale syndrome
I cooked for 2 days, prepared the multiple dishes, cleaned the fancy dishes, and cleaned a little. The result was a bunch of lay around and moan people that in a very short 30 minutes were ready for pie. I am not sure which of the 7 deadly sins we touched on this holiday but I am sure more that one.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Needed clarification
As I tried to finish the dishes from lunch at about 4:00 p.m. I overheard a discussion between my two 8 year olds and their new 6 year old brother.
Grant: I wish we could go back to McDonald's for another adoption day.
Tish: Me too. We never get to go to McDonald's.
Grant: That is because it is to much money and Momma hates it.
E.J.: Ya'll only got to go because of me.
Tish: That is not true. We went because of Kallie and Riley too.
E.J. Nope it was because now I am real.
Tish: Real what?
E.J.: A real kid.
Grant: That is stupid you were always real.
E.J.: Nope not until after McDonald's.
As I wiped a tear I thought wow kids really do have their own understanding. Do foster kids think they are fake kids until someone adopts them? My precious EJ, when he came to us as a foster kid full of energy and ready for anything he was so real I thought he might drive me crazy. How precious that God allowed him to grow into my heart. Here's to you EJ, my real son!
Grant: I wish we could go back to McDonald's for another adoption day.
Tish: Me too. We never get to go to McDonald's.
Grant: That is because it is to much money and Momma hates it.
E.J.: Ya'll only got to go because of me.
Tish: That is not true. We went because of Kallie and Riley too.
E.J. Nope it was because now I am real.
Tish: Real what?
E.J.: A real kid.
Grant: That is stupid you were always real.
E.J.: Nope not until after McDonald's.
As I wiped a tear I thought wow kids really do have their own understanding. Do foster kids think they are fake kids until someone adopts them? My precious EJ, when he came to us as a foster kid full of energy and ready for anything he was so real I thought he might drive me crazy. How precious that God allowed him to grow into my heart. Here's to you EJ, my real son!
The clock is ticking
It is the Monday before Thanksgiving and the timer has started. I am blessed (?) to have a big turn out for Thanksgiving. My kids all come home as well as many children that have been raised in our home (98 foster kids to date). I have to begin the process on Monday saying a silent prayer for the "big girls and boys" to get home so they can help. I have to wash all the "fancy" dishes that are only used for Thanksgiving and Christmas. That means at least 4 pitchers, all the huge serving bowls, Momma's fancy platters and silverware, 30 plus fancy glasses (not really matching---but not the plastic kind you get for free from various locations), two huge roasters for the 2 turkeys and then I have to go the the store with my U Haul to get all the groceries home for the occasion. I do love Thanksgiving as there is no pressure to buy gifts etc. It is just a time to be thankful and spend time with your family. Does any one else have to make 10 pies? Furrs sure is sounding like a plan right now. The part about taking out a second mortage to pay for the meal there seems to be a problem though. Bless everyone on this the holiday of thankfulness.
Friday, November 21, 2008
It is official

National Adoption Day in Lubbock was a wonderful day. Twenty seven children were adopted on that day. We adopted our 3, (Ethaniel Jay, Kallie Kade, and Riley Jade) It was a long day but a lot of fun. I ended up having to speak with about 5 minutes notice. I even got teary during the speech which I never do. Looking out at all the happy families of Moms, Dads, Grandparents and siblings with their new family members would touch any one. The hit of the day was the trip to McDonald's. Each of the children got to choose a bear to adopt to make it extra special. We have now adopted 7 children, have PMC of one child and 5 home grown kids. That is a baker's dozen. Kids are not cheaper by the dozen or baker's dozen for that matter but there is never a dull moment.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The excitement is building
Friday is the big day for adoption. We will travel to Lubbock for the National Adoption Day celebration. EJ, Kallie, and Riley will officially be ours. I can't wait for the day to get here. Pictures to be posted after Friday. Plan to see some smiles.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Clean up Shuffle
Today, on a Sunday, I had the honor of a phone call before a caseworker "just wanted to stop by on her way through town to save her a trip later". I hated to say no but should have for sure. When getting 8 very young children ready to go anywhere---especially church there is a great deal of hairbrushes, wet floors covered with towels, dirty breakfast dishes, various discarded outfits, etc. in all areas of the home. This does not mention that all these children were at home on Saturday living their lives with toys, books, coloring book with 1000 crayons, and other endeavors. We don't really do a clean up until late Sunday evening as I am a believer in letting kids be kids. So------the clean up shuffle is much like a race trying to stuff as many things into closets, under beds, into dishwashers and any other hiding place in under 15 minutes while screaming at the top of the your lungs "to hurry up the caseworker will be here any minute." I sure hope the caseworker was fooled. The sweat running down our faces may have been a give away though.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The eyes of innocence

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Phrases that stick with you
Over the years I have had the pleasure of spending time with some real characters. Probably the most influential of all was my father. He was a true---horse riding---truck driving----cussing every breath----cowboy. He had a range of "sayings" he used to describe different aspects of life. I will list some at the end of this post. I have had other opportunities to gain some very descriptive phrases from others. I have spent most of today feeling pretty crummy with a stomach virus. I can birth babies, suffer through serious sore throats, go through numerous operations but throwing up and "peeing poo" (hence the phrase that stuck with me) *thanks Debbie* just about puts me down.
Additional phrases in my repertoire:
Disclaimer---non of these are meant to offend---remember the part about my daddy being a cussing every breath cowboy?
When describing very cold weather-----Colder that a witches tit in a brass bra.
When describing a person that tend to talk excessively----Liver lipped
When describing a bossy person----specifically my mother----The bull of the woods
When describing a person with a little mean or mischievous streak---A skunk---just so happens to be my childhood nickname from my daddy
Any male person of little gumption---A long hair----No matter the length of his hair----"hippies" were not a favorite of my dad. He did love my husband though----even though he was a long hair.
Just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks or an old cowboy a different way to put on his boots.
Miss you everyday daddy!
Additional phrases in my repertoire:
Disclaimer---non of these are meant to offend---remember the part about my daddy being a cussing every breath cowboy?
When describing very cold weather-----Colder that a witches tit in a brass bra.
When describing a person that tend to talk excessively----Liver lipped
When describing a bossy person----specifically my mother----The bull of the woods
When describing a person with a little mean or mischievous streak---A skunk---just so happens to be my childhood nickname from my daddy
Any male person of little gumption---A long hair----No matter the length of his hair----"hippies" were not a favorite of my dad. He did love my husband though----even though he was a long hair.
Just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks or an old cowboy a different way to put on his boots.
Miss you everyday daddy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sometimes answered prayers don't feel like they were answered
I know how important it is to pray with faith. I know how important it is to pray with child like faith. I sometimes pray with much less than either. I said a prayer with anger and a demanding spirit and I will be danged if my prayer was not answered. I have/had a cousin that has had multiple medical issues over the last few years. She is/was in her 50's. She was a brittle diabetic and bipolar. She had many serious issues with her illnesses over the last few year. She used a really appropriate analogy when she found out that she had the most horrible (in my opinion) disease called ALS or Lou Gehrig disease. She said that she felt like she was standing on the side of street and she got splashed by another really big truck. Yesterday she had a stroke. I went to see her at the hospital and she looked like someone I did not know. I left the hospital---cussing fate of maybe God I am not sure. I questioned how one person could be having to suffer and said a prayer to ask God to please let her not suffer any more. A little after 6:00 my precious Aunt Faye called and said that Carol had died. I did not say goodbye or get time to prepare. But---what a blessing for her---no horrible suffering. We will miss you. Please tell Mom and Granny tha I said hi and eat all the chocolate you can hold. Love ya Carol.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I guess I am a girly girl
The prospect of going to a football game in the pouring rain to watch other young men attempt to inflict serious bodily harm on my sweet 16 year old son does not seem to me a way to spend a Friday evening. The rain is beckoning me to chocolate chip cookie baking, reading a good book and a short nap. I am not excited about the wet icky possible trip to the emergency room with a bloody or broken or unconscious boy that my kisses used to repair. Of course if he gets an interception or a really good tackle I will be the one with the bull horn yelling "that's the way to knock the fire our of him."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The football prayer
Is this a face!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The bigs plus one and a half
I need to let any readers know that I have a belief system in certain areas that I can not be influenced to change. One of my most deep felt beliefs is that spelling ability is genetic. I have 5 biological children none of which can spell. I have 5 adopted children, two of which are extremely good spellers. They were adopted before they could read so raised in the same family---good spellers. Which leads me to say since none of my home grown kids can spell common cents (hee hee) would mean that I am a lousy speller---so forgiveness is expected as I am genetically predisposed to poor spelling ability. Let me know if you hold the same belief.
A neophite blogger begins the journey to blogdom
I am a brand new blogger. I have so enjoyed reading others' blogs that I thought maybe I would enjoy doing it myself. I truly look forward to the Clements Happenings. I was hoping this would keep me from having to call and write my forever growing family. So the journey begins.
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